In the 1970s, Linda Vaughn, aka “Miss Hurst Golden Shifter,” among her many other titles, captured the imagination of race...
Margaux Hemingway is most well known for being the supermodel that turned heads during the mid-1970s, but did you know...
A poster of Brigitte Bardot nude was a common sight in a boy’s bedroom during the ’50s, ’60s, or ’70s....
I look at the feminine body as piece of art. barbi benton If you grew up in the 1970s, then...
The Beat Generation made a lasting impact on the structure of modern American society that no other countercultural movement came...
Ever wondered who Candy was in Lou Reed’s “Walk On The Wild Side”? Well, that’s Candy Darling. “I am a...
Jackie Witte, the tall, dark-eyed blonde that not many knew as Paul Newman’s first wife… We all know about Paul...
Julie E. ‘Tawny’ Kitaen had it all. From her natural good looks, rising movie career and video girl for British...
Uschi Obermaier is a fascinating woman. In many ways a paradoxical person who flouts conventional definitions. She was the figurehead...
If you have ever seen episodes of the old English comedy show The Kenny Everett Video Show from the late...
By the early 1970s, Steve Rubell was in his thirties and already an established businessman. He and his friend Ian...
When we think of Bianca Jagger, it’s typically under the arm of Mick Jagger. From those serene early days when...